The service provided by Consileon was professional and comprehensive with a very good understanding of our needs and constrains.

Wolfgang Hafenmayer, Managing partner, LGT Venture Philanthropy

Technical quality of staff offered, capability of performing various project roles, as well as motivation and dedication to the project (... [...]

dr Walter Benzing, Head of development B2O, net mobile AG

Technical quality of staff offered, capability of performing roles of developers, lead developers, trainers, team leaders, architects as wel [...]

Karl Lohmann, Itellium Systems & Services GmbH

Firma Consileon Polska jest niezawodnym i godnym zaufania partnerem w biznesie, realizującym usługi z należytą starannością (...)

Waldemar Ściesiek, Dyrektor zarządzający IT, Polski Bank

The team was always highly motivated and professional in every aspect to perform on critical needs of our startup environment.

Denis Benic, Founder of Ink Labs



Android is experiencing a rapid growth. From the device that handled emails, texts and calls it expanded to a device that can do almost all work that computers did. Our everyday work now can be done on almost every portable device – however many of us experienced problems with web application UX on mobile devices. […]


Rich domain model that emerges from application of DDD techniques has many advantages over anemic model but is hard (or even impossible) to deliver when modeled entities need to be stored in relational database. The reason lays deeply in the mismatch between goals of DDD and ORM models. Without going into details, the main difference […]


Umiejętność przygotowania dobrych testów i ich zautomatyzowania, konieczność ciągłej integracji i cyklicznego wdrażania poszczególnych etapów projektu, stała współpraca z klientem oraz efektywne zarządzanie pracą zespołu z naciskiem na rozwijanie talentów jego poszczególnych członków – to kluczowe czynniki wpływające na skuteczne prowadzenie projektów IT. Takie podejście charakteryzuje ideę Agile, która coraz dynamiczniej rozwija się na polskim […]


Once you start learning functional programming (whatever language you choose) sooner or later you will hit on Monad. Your initial understanding of Monad concept, after reading a couple of tutorials (many of them are available in the web), might not be very good and that’s because of The Curse of the Monad: In addition to […]


First of all, I’m not against Spring, IoC frameworks or frameworks in general. Quite the contrary, I’m big fan of many different frameworks. Said that I must admit that sometimes when a framework hides too much magic you risk loosing control of your application. Once you realize that you’ve just created zombie app you are […]


Currently everybody wants to be agile. Agile software development is mainstream and if you’re not agile you’re probably considered to be less productive therefore not as competetive. Everybody labels themself as agile, but not everybody understands, that true agility is not available for all, and by all I mean developers, organizations and clients. Agility is […]


O czym traktuje wpis: CQRS – Command Query Responsibility Segregation DDD – Domain Driven Design ES – Event Sourcing Koncepcja CQRS Podział systemu na dwa obszary: przetwarzanie transakcji obsługa zapytań (widoki) Koncepcja CQRS Architektura systemu, która wyłania się w wyniku zastosowania takiej separacji, jest zasadniczo różna względem typowych architektur bazujących na jednym modelu danych i […]


When dealing with business process often some state transitions are not immediately executed as result of human interaction but rather being scheduled for future execution. One example could be expiration of Payment Period (see previous blog for domain description). Modelling such process execution flow explicitly in the code is the right thing to do if […]


CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation) is a new approach towards building scalable and distributed systems that is based on simple pattern know as Command Query Separation (CQS). In short, you should design your system in a way that it either processes a command or serves response to a query. CQRS in its core is quite […]


Ostatnio nie mam trochę czasu na techniczne wpisy, także tym razem wpis będzie bardziej filozoficzny. Wczoraj zostałem zapytany o moją opinię na temat konwencji REST co zainspirowało mnie do stworzenia tego wpisu, ku przestrodze przed bezmyślnym wciskaniem tej architektury do każdej aplikacji. REST w moim odczuciu urosło ostatnimi czasy do jednego z największych buzzwordów w […]

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